Vasectomy Request

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Vasectomy request form

Vasectomy Request 

Considering a Vasectomy

You should consider a vasectomy a potentially permanent operation. Although it is possible to reverse a vasectomy, the reversal operation isn't available on the NHS and isn't always successful.

  • You need to provide a negative sample after the procedure (usually at 16-18 weeks) before stopping contraception.
  • Don’t stop contraception until you’ve been given the “all clear” by the clinic after the negative 16-week test result.


  • Sometimes the samples remain positive and the procedure needs to be repeated (1 in 300 cases).
  • A vasectomy isn't always 100% successful. There is a small failure rate of 1 in 2000 and this can sometimes happen many years down the line.
  • All forms of contraception have a failure rate and no procedure is 100% effective for everyone.

As with any operation there are potential complications including infection, pain and severe bruising. If you have any queries, speak to your surgeon.


All questions marked with a * are mandatory

Personal Details
May be used to identify you
Vasectomy Assessment
Do you have children?: *
Is your partner aware and happy for you to have this procedure?: *
Vasectomy Information

The vasectomy operation is carried out under local anaesthetic meaning you will be awake during the procedure.

The vasectomy operation takes around 45 minutes to perform and you should bring someone along to wait in the waiting room to take you home afterwards.

You should provisionally book the rest of the week off from your work, and although most patients are back at work within this time, if complications occur or if you are a manual worker, you may be off work for a little longer. 

During your counselling appointment, you will be told about the various complications that can occur and any risks. However, try not to worry too much. Complications are unusual and the vast majority of patients are pleasantly surprised at how much better it was than they were expecting!

If you'd like to learn more about vasectomies, from a reputable source and the information we discuss during the pre-op counselling session.

See the British Association of Urological Surgeons website for more information


Privacy Consent


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